A selection of lectures and presentations
(2024) From Rage to Happiness, from Sadness to Joy: The Visualization of Embodied Emotions of Children and Parents in Early Modern Europe. Lecture at Vormoderne Bildungsgeschichte online, Arbeitskreis Vormoderne Erziehungsgeschichte (AVE), section 1 (Historische Bildungsforschung) of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (GfE), 7 November 2024.
(2024) Emoties van kinderen en ouders in vroeg-modern Europa (Emotions of Children and Parents in Early Modern Europe). Lecture at Noorderzon Festival of Performing Arts and Society, Groningen, 24 August 2024.
(2024) Anachronism: A Risk, An Inescapability, or A Necessity? Coping with Theories and Concepts in the History of Children’s Emotions. Lecture at Groningen Summer School, ‘Using Theory in the History of Education’, 27 June 2024, Groningen.
(2023) Analyzing Visual Sources: How to get closer to the educational past of early modern Europe? Presentation at Groningen Summer School, ‘Historical Analysis, Presentation and Narration’, 5 June, 2023, Groningen.
(2021) Making Childhood in Early Modern Europe Tangible: The Fine Art Approach. Online Presentation at Conference Stories on Childhood: History, Memory and Research, Riga, University of Latvia, 22 October 2021.
(2021) Looking at the Voices of the Child. Ideas, Challenges, and Derailments in the Educational Space of the Past. Key note at Conference ‘The Perspective of the Child’, EuSARF XVI, 2 September, 2021, Zürich.
(2019) De pedagogische ruimte in de tijd [Educational space in time), Groningen, University of Groningen, 19 December 2019.
(2017) (together with Hilda A.T. Amsing and Inge J.M. Wichgers), School Acts in a Nation Divided. The Development of Mass Schooling in the Netherlands in the Long 19th Century. Presentation at workshop ‘School Acts, the Rise of Mass Schooling and the Emerging Nation States during the Long Nineteenth Century’, Uppsala University, 12 October 2017.
(2017) An Expanding Spectrum. The Transformation of Focus in Investigations into Historical Child Abuse in Post-Second world War Out-of-home Care. Keynote at Sinergia Concluding Conference, Olten (Switzerland), October 5.
(2017) Emotions through the filter of art: paintings and emblems in the 17th century Dutch Republic. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History in Umeã, June 27.
(2017) Rembrandt and Cats on the Regulation of Children’s Emotions in Early Modern Europe. Lecture at the Colloquium History of Emotions of the Center for the History of Emotions at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, May 9.
(2016) Children’s body as an object of violence and abuse: recent investigations into Dutch residential child care after the Second World War. Paper presented at ISCHE 38 conference on Education and the Body, panel ‘Body as object of reform or instrument of rehabilitation in residential-care institutions’, Chicago, August 19.
(2016) (together with Inge J.M. Wichgers) Teaching the regulation of emotions in 17th century Europe by bodying them, Paper presented at ISCHE 38 conference on Education and the Body, Chicago, August 18.
(2016) (together with Hans Grietens), The Dutch Inquiry Into Historical Abuse of Children in Public Care. Why Only Sexual Abuse? Paper presented at the European Social Science History Conference, session ‘Framing Historical Child Abuse: Historical and Contemporary Issues’, Valencia, March 31.
(2016) Looking at yourself and your children. Representations of educational realities in images in the seventeenth century Dutch Republic. Lecture at the University of Sassari, 16 March.
(2016) The constant urge to professionalization. Legally forced out-of-home child care after the Second World War. Lecture at the University of Sassari, 17 March.
(2015) (together with Inge J.M. Wichgers) Between research ethics and other interests: Challenges of history of education research. Paper presented at the 2015 meeting of the Research Community for Philosophy and History of the Discipline of Education, Leuven, 12 November.
(2014) A Belief in Magic. Professionalization in Post Second World War Child Protection. Paper presented at the 2014 meeting of the Research Community for Philosophy and History of the Discipline of Education, Leuven, 13-15 November.
(2014) The Methodological Challenge of Research into Post Second World War History of Child Protection. Key note at seminar ‘Placing Children in Care: Child Welfare in Switzerland (1940-90)’, Olten, Switzerland, 5 March.
(2013) Actors in fading spotlights. Research on child protection in the Netherlands, 1945-201. Presentation at seminar in Leuven Centre for Irish Studies / Irish College, on ‘Historical abuse of children living in out-of-home arrangements’, Leuven, 29 November.
(2013) Van kinderkamer naar Elektronisch Kind Dossier. Vrouw en opvoeding in Nederland vanaf ca. 1800. Op congres over De Vrouw 1813-2013, Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap, KNHG, Den Haag, 8 November.
(2013) Verlangen naar de kunst van het opvoeden. Opvoeden in Nederland vroeger en nu. Lezing, Dordrechts Museum, 3 June.
(2013) De kunst van het opvoeden. Presentatie bij de opening van de gelijknamige tentoonstelling, Dordrechts Museum, 27 April.
(2013) Actoren in de historische schijnwerpers. Onderzoek naar de historische ontwikkeling van kinderbescherming en gedwongen uithuisplaatsing (1945-2010). Lezing binnen lezingencyclus ‘De relatie onderzoeker-onderzochte in sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek’, Doctoral School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Universiteit Gent, 25 April.
(2012) Mirrors of reality? The significance of image based symbol systems for research into long-term educational processes. Paper presented at the 2012 meeting of the Research Community for Philosophy and History of the Discipline of Education, Leuven, 15 November.
(2012) Mirrors of reality or representations of educational ambitions? The significance of images for the history of education and childhood. Presentation at 23rd Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaften, Osnabrück, 12 March.
(2011) (together with P.R. Schreuder), The Emergence of New Institutional Educational Spaces for Young Children: New Space, New Controllability, New Child-Development Ambitions. Paper presented at the 2011 meeting of the Research Community for Philosophy and History of the Discipline of Education, Nürnberg, 19 November.
(2011) Fictional and Non-Fictional Sources for the History of Education: Their Complex Relationship with Reality. Key note at Histories of Education Summer School Conference for European Postgraduate Students, Birmingham, 10 June.
(2010) Verschuivende pedagogische ambitions in de Nederlandse geschiedenis (Changing educational ambitions in Dutch History). Presentation at Studium Generale Series on Education in cultural and historical perspective, Utrecht University, 27 October.
(2009) The Ethics of Statistics on the Prevalence of Child Maltreatment from the 1970s until nowadays. Paper presented at the 2009 Meeting of the Research Community for Philosophy and History of the Discipline of Education, Leuven, 6 November.
(2009) Ouders en kinderen onder toezicht. Opvoeding en straf in Nederland sinds de invoering van de kinderwetten in 1905 [Supervision of Children and Parents. Education and Punishment in the Netherlands since the Introduction of the Child Acts in 1905]. Presentation at GHD Ubbo Emmius Conference 2009 on ‘Crime and Punishment. The End of the Humanistic Punishment culture?’ Groningen, 2 October.
(2009) New Cultural History of Childhood and Education. The Victory of the Cultural History Paradigm. Keynote at closing session of the Kulturgeschichtetag, Linz, Austria, 12-15 September.
(2008) Standardization of Children at Risk: The Birth of a New Educational Language. Presentation at the 2008 meeting of the Research Community for Philosophy and History of the Discipline of Education, Leuven 29-31 May.
(2007) Children at Risk in History: A Story of Expansion. Keynote lecture at ISCHE 29 Conference on ‘Children and Youth at Risk. Approaches in the History of Education’, Hamburg, 25 July.
(2007) From Imaginations to Realities: The Transformation of Enlightenment Pedagogical Illusions in the Dutch Republic into late 19th Century Realities of the Dutch Monarchy. Presentation at conference on ‘Republican and Non-Republican Imaginations. Comparative Visions and developments of Schooling from the 18th Century to 1930’, Zurich, Pestalozzianum Research Institute for the History of Education, February 28-March 3.
(2006) Van Raad van burgers naar Raad van professionals. De ontwikkeling van voogdijraad tot Raad voor de Kinderbescherming in de eeuw van het kind. Lecture at conference on the Centenary of the Dutch Child Welfare Council, 19 June, Utrecht (Ministry of Justice).
(2005) Opvoeding onder toezicht. De betekenis van de Nederlandse kinderwetten in de eeuw van het kind. Lecture at Conference on ‘Honderd Jaar Kinderwetten’ [The Centenary of the Child Acts 1905-2005], 1 December 2005, Amsterdam, Free University / Ministry of Justice.
(2005) Children and War in the Century of the Child, Introduction to the CISH (International Committee for the Historical Sciences) Round Table on Children and War, Sydney, Australia, 5 July.
(2004) Admiration et inspiration: Mettray dans le monde européen. Lecture at Colloque Éduquer et Punir. La colonie agricole et pénitentiaire de Mettray (1839-1937), Tours, 15 June.
(2003) Historische pedagogiek: wetenschap op het kruispunt van pedagogiek en geschiedwetenschap. Lecture at IISG/International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam 24 June.
(2003) The Will to Change the Children at Risk: Betterment, Atonement, Diagnostics and Therapy and the Role of Philanthropic Networks in Nineteenth-Century Western Europe. Presentation at Conference on Agency and Institutions in Social Regulation: Towards an Historical Understanding of Their Interaction, Montreal 23 May.
(2001) Philanthropic Networks and Children at Risk. From Transnational Networks to National Institutions. Presentation at Conference ‘Europe or Networks : Reflections on the Role of Networks in Building Europe’, European University Institute, Florence / San Domenico di Fiesole, 30 November – 1 December.
(2001) ‘L’histoire des tribunaux pour mineurs aux Pays Bas au vingtième siècle’. Presentation at ‘Colloque sur l’histoire de la Justice des Mineurs en Europe et au Canada (1912-1963)’, Louvain-la-Neuve, 21 June.
(2000) ‘Entzauberung’ in the Century of the Child. The Conflict between Romanticism and Disenchantment in (residential) Youth Care from the 1830s to 2000. Key-note at the FICE 2000 Congress on ‘The Century of the Child’, Maastricht, 13 May.
(2000) Entre Rousseau et péché originel. Le modèle néerlandais de la protection de l’enfance au 19ème siècle. Lecture at ‘Colloque sur l’histoire de la protection de l’enfance’, Université d’Angers, 8 April.
(2000) Doers: Introduction. Introduction on Seminar ‘Doers: Philanthropists and Bureaucrats: Communication, Travelling, and the Building of Expertise, European University Institute, Florence / San Domenico di Fiesole, 17-18 March.
(1999) Images on Parenting in History. Seminar for post-graduates students in history of education, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, 17 December.
(1999) Parenting the Young Child: The History of an Illusion? Opening lecture at the History of Education Society Conference, London, 8 May.
(1997) A Republic of Educators. Education in 17th Century Dutch Genre Painting. Lecture at conference on ‘Approaches to the History of Childhood and Adolescence in Early Modern Europe’ in the European University Institute, Florence / San Domenico di Fiesole, 18 April.
(1997) Opvoeding van alle tijden. Opening address at the Exhibition ‘Kinderen van alle tijden’, Noordbrabants Museum, ’s-Hertogenbosch, 27 March.
(1997) Transforming Philanthropy, Society and the Self: Philanthropists in the Netherlands, Belgium and France, c. 1780-1850. Presentation at Anstey Conference, University of Kent at Canterbury, 10-12 January.
(1996) Een opvoedingsboodschap. Moraliteit in 17de eeuwse Noordnederlandse schilderijen. Presentation at Rolduc Conference on ‘Moral developments’, Rolduc/Kerkrade, 22-24 August.
(1995) Voetnoten bij Ariès? De betekenis van twintig jaar Belgische en Nederlandse historisch-pedagogische wetenschap voor het internationale debat. Lecture at the Jubilee Congress of the BNVGOO (Belgian-Dutch Society for the History of Education), Utrecht, 3 November.
(1995) Punir et éduquer. Michel Foucault et l’histoire de l’éducation. Lecture at the international Congress “Michel Foucault, ‘Surveiller et punir 20 ans après’” (Université de Paris / Sorbonne, Centre National de Formation et d’Études de la Protection Judiciaire de la Jeunesse, AHESS-PJM), Paris/Vaucresson, 13 October.
(1993) Children at Risk in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century: the Philanthropic connection. Lecture at the History of Education Society Annual Conference 1993, Plater College, Oxford, 18 December.
(1992) Het gezinsportret. Over de geschiedenis van opvoeding, cultuuroverdracht en identiteit. Inaugural Lecture, University of Groningen, 29 September.
(1992) La genèse de la philanthropie aux Pays-Bas et la rééducation; modèle néerlandais ou modèle européen? Lecture at conference on ‘Philanthropies et Politiques Sociales en Europe, XVIIIème- XXème Siècles’ (AREPPOS/Paris VII/CRIV/Musée Social), Paris 27-28 March
(1992) De functie van theorieën in het historisch-pedagogisch onderzoek. Presentation at the Philipp A.Kohnstamm-netwerk (Postgraduate School for Theory and History of Education), Utrecht, 17 January.
(1991) La victoire du pouvoir privé. La protection de l’enfance aux Pays-Bas jusq’à 1905. Lecture at conference on ‘Autorité, responsabilité parentale et protection de l’enfant’, organized by Confrontations Europeennes Régionales / École Normale Supérieure, Lyon, 21 November.
(1991) Philanthropie et rééducation aux Pays-Bas: genèse d’une pratique ou application d’une philosophie? Lecture, Paris, Musée Sociale, 15 March.
(1990) Punir, sauver et éduquer: la rééducation résidentielle au dix-neuvième siècle. Lecture at Nederlandsch Mettray, Internationale Mettray-dagen, Eefde, 4 October.
(1990) The Republic of God or the Republic of Children? Childhood and Childrearing after the Reformation: an appraisal of Simon Schama’s thesis about the uniqueness of the Dutch case. Lecture, together with L.F. Groenendijk, 12th ISCHE Conference on the History of Education, Prague, 25 August.
(1990) Authenticiteit, muziek en geschiedenis. Lecture at the Conservatorium Maastricht, 30 Augustus.
(1990) Marginalisation dans l’histoire sociale et culturelle. Presentation in research group “Histoire et Politique” at E.H.E.S.S. (École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), Paris, 6 April.
(1990) Philanthropies, éducation et politiques sociales: le cas néerlandais au dix-neuvième siècle. Presentation in research group “Philanthropies et politiques sociales”, Musée sociale, Paris, 17 February.
(1989) Straffen, opvoeden en hulpverlenen: een historische beschouwing. Lecture on conference, organised by the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ambulante Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg, Utrecht, 1 February.
(1989) Heropvoeden met rituelen in de 19de eeuw: in gezin en in tehuis. Lecture at the Department of Education, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Louvain, 9 May.
(1989) Mettray et ses modèles en Europe occidentale. Lecture at conference, organized by the Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire de Vaucresson (CRIV/CNRS/Ministère de la Justice) in Mettray (Tours), 8 June.
(1989) L’Enfant et la mentalité hollandaise au dix-septième siècle. À la recherche du ‘sacré’ dans un monde riche, républicain et ‘protestant’. Lecture at the E.H.E.S.S., École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, in research group directed by Christian Jouhaud and Jacques Revel, Paris, 9 June.
(1989) Over authenticiteit en de muzekus. Muziek, geschiedenis en het streven naar authenticiteit. Lecture at the Academy of Dramatic Art, Maastricht, 27 August.
(1988) Heropvoeding als tijdelijke marginalisering. Lecture at conference Beyond the Pale, Behind Bars. Marginalization and Institutionalization from the 18th to the 20th century, BNVGOO, Gent, 17 November.
(1988) Opsluiten, genezen en opvoeden. Opmerkingen over heropvoeding en psychiatrie in de 19de eeuw in Nederland. Lecture on conference on the history of psychiatry and educational science, NCGV (Nederlands Centrum voor Geestelijke Volksgezondheid), Utrecht, 19 May.
(1987) Zij zijn vrolijk, tevreden en gehoorzaam. Het leven op de landbouwkolonie “Nederlandsch Mettray” tussen 1851 en 1914. Lecture for Historische Vereniging Zutphen, Zutphen, 13 January.
(1987) La connaissance, le rite et le comportement. Lecture at the E.H.E.S.S., École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 27 March.
(1987) Op afstand van emoties. De tehuisopvoeding in de 19de eeuw tussen gevoel en tucht. Lecture at De Meerberg (middelbare school voor dienstverlenings- en gezondheidszorgonderwijs), Nijmegen, 31 March.
(1987) Kennis, rite en gedrag. De heropvoeding op “Nederlandsch Mettray”. Lecture at the Department of History and Theory of Education, Free University of Amsterdam, 8 May.
(1987) Macrostoria en microstoria in de geschiedenis van de heropvoeding. Lecture at the Department of History and Theory of Education, Catholic University of Nijmegen, 11 June.
(1987) Methodologische aspecten van het onderzoek naar de geschiedenis van de opvoeding. Lecture at the Department of History and Theory of Education, Leiden University, 12 June.
(1987) De geboorte van het kind, de mens en de opvoeding. Lecture at the History Department of the Utrecht University, 10 September.
(1987) Opvoedingsrituelen en de grenzen van de geschiedwetenschap. Lecture on Conference on human sciences and the history of mentalities, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 2 October.
(1986) Vraag naar heropvoeding en aanbod aan heropvoeding: cultuurdwang en cultuurconsumptie in de 19de eeuw. Lecture at meeting of the BNVGOO (Belgisch-Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Geschiedenis van Opvoeding en Onderwijs), Utrecht, 27 October.
(1985) Het kindertehuis als spiegel van de gezinsopvoeding. Lecture, R.C. Jongensweeshuis / Amstelstad te Amsterdam, 14 June.
(1982) Over geschiedenis en pedagogiek: conflict en innovatie. Lecture at the History Department of the University of Groningen, 12 March 1982.
(1982) Over het belang van de geschiedenis voor de pedagogiek. Lecture at Pedagogische Studiekring, University of Groningen, 4 June.
(1980) Over theoretisch-methodologische aspecten van de historische pedagogiek. Lecture at the Educational Department, Free University of Amsterdam, 6 November.
(1980) Over historische achtergronden van opvoeding en onderwijs in Nederland. Lecture at the Studium Generale, University of Twente, 7 January.